
Leticia, Tabatinga and the Amazonas

Written by Nadine Zangerle on . Posted in Brazil

What a start for the World Cup. At the frontier of Peru, Colombia and Brazil we enjoyed the game Brazil versus Croatia in a local bar in Leticia. We were really surprised when everyone jumped up and cheered when the Croatians scored and yelled “suzio” (dirty) from Neymar’s foul. Afterwards we had an auto convoi of the Brazilians.

Michael organized us a boat for Saturday. We wanted to do the Amazonas trip from Leticia to Manaus on a boat. Due to the Presidential election the Colombian funnywise closed the boarder for the whole weekend. Means we had to move from one hostel to another – from Leticia, Columbia to Tabatinga, Brazil.

Since we had to get the exit stamp from Colombia, we had to go back to the airport. They moved the immigration office a year ago. Afterwards the Tuktuk brought us to the immigration office of Brazil and to a new Hotel. Michael misunderstood the Portuguese and we ended up with a room with one single bed. Good that we have already hammocks and one could sleep in it already.

Not that we plan to sleep in the hammock for 3 nights on the boat. The trip to Manaus takes 4 days and 3 nights, 250 people on two levels, watching the World Cup and snoozing in a hammock. Yes you heard right. We do have TV on board so we can at least watch the first German game against Portugal. The Germans scored 4:0, what a blast.

Actually in the night it got pretty cold and my sleeping back was needed. We had a great time on the boat with all the different nationalities. For almost each single game we had someone supporting with a jersey and cheers.

Four days later and sour from all the sitting we arrived in Manaus.


Accommodation: Hostal La Jangada, Carrera 9 # 8-106, Leticia

Price: COP 22 000 dorm room, shared bathroom, WiFi

Comment: we had a reservation but somehow they got overbooked. But they solved it nicely and we got a breakfast for free. Also arranged everything with our boat and another Hotel in Tabatinga.

Accommodation: Hotel Paje, Am97_34122774, Tabatinga

Price: Real 15 single room, own bathroom, hammock hooks 

Comment: little misunderstanding with single/double so one had to sleep in a hammock, haha. Very clean and friendly owners.


Boat: Real 200 per person, 4 days, 3 nights, food included