
Surprise visit

Written by Nadine Zangerle on . Posted in Germany

No one new about our little surprise visit at home except Ralf and Ursel. Ralf picked us up at the airport and drove us to family Zangerle. When my mom opened up the door she was speechless. It took her several hours to realize that we were really home.

My parents had told me about their planned trip to Italy so we arranged our flights without them knowing, so that I could come with them. My dad called immediately the hotels to check me in after I surprised him. More about our Italy trip in the next report.

It was just great being back home again, seeing family and friends. So we enjoyed the time and tried to see the whole family.

On one weekend we drove south to visit Jürgen & Co. Afterwards we met with the Rheinländer at my uncle’s place, since Theo celebrated his birthday. It was just great. We partied Rita’s birthday with a great raclette dinner and it was very nice to have some family events.

During our visit we could see the process of Jens and Tomira’s new home, meet little Finley, Tschechi’s and Matia’s son and having great time with family Schömer.

We followed our two Schömer girls, which we call Muckelmäuse, to a traditional Karneval dance and picked them up from school. Especially our trip to the Rheinaue Park with Ralf, Lena, Nicole and Michael’s parents was memorable. We went to the park to take pictures and Michael and Ralf ended up chasing each other with the little push bikes from Lena and Nicole. Who is now the kid? Watch yourself...

Last minute we decided to send in some pictures for a photo competition of a newspaper and my Australian street picture won 7th place. We took the chance to speak with the boss of the newspaper and got the chance to tell our story. They want to write an article about us. We will keep you informed.

Every beginning has an end so we had to start packing again. This time it was not easy so we pushed it till the last minute. And off we went to the airport flying to Jamaica. But before you hear about Jamaica I will tell you about my trip to Italy with my parents and my sister.

One more thing, thanks again for everyone who made our stay home so special again! Thanks Mom for doing all our laundry :O) Get well soon for Cuba!