Undara Lavatubes and Cairns
Suddenly we were surrounded by a crazy noise – sounding like angry housewives. Flying above us where hundreds of red-tailed-black Cockatoos. It was fascinating and we took so many pictures.
On the way to Cairns we stopped at Mt. Surprise at the Undara Volcanic Park. 200 000 years ago an eruption created a geological phenomenon. Over 300 lava tunnels made from one volcano with the longest of about 1.5 km (all in all 100 km which is the longest flow from a single volcano world wide).
This would have been something for Ursel, just mind-blowing. The best parts where the flooded tubes where you walked through thigh deep water.
Later we took a refreshing bath in the Lake Eacham – free from crocodiles. At Cairns we stayed at a campground so let’s have a nice shower first. And finally we can put some reports and pics online.
After Cairns we are heading to Port Douglas and Cape Tribulation.